Key words English
Objectives Develop oral and written communication skills for your future job. The focus is on reading: learning to read and understand texts fast and efficiently by making use of reading strategies. As far as speaking is concerned, there will be short presentations.
Fluent and efficient communication in English is achieved through a series of short speaking and writing activities. Written and oral reporting are introduced.
There is attention to the correct use of the language (grammar, vocabulary, usage) with a clear focus on the types of language (use) that will be required of the graduate in the working environment and technical vocabulary from the fields of environmental protection, administration, law and government, technology and science.
As far as correctness in the foreign language is concerned, the main attention is to those problems which typically hinder communication between non-native and native speakers of English.
Attitudes which are indispensable for communication are explicitly trained: assertiveness, openness towards communication, willingness to collaborate … Speaking for an audience is trained: structure of presentation, visual support, body language, use of voice. You also learn general attitudes and skills such as ability to find information effectively, critical attitude towards source materials, screening sources on their objectiveness and relevance, distinguishing fact from opinion, etc.
Topics Thematically arranged chapters, in which the following topics recur:
Reading skills and strategies
Oral skills: conversation, presentation
Writing skill: summary
Vocabulary (to support reading skill)
Exercises in fluent and efficient communication (report …)
Prerequisites Good general knowledge of English and basis of business English
Level corresponds with the level reached at the end of the first year.
As far as grammar is concerned, there should be no more problems with:- Form and use of simple past and present perfect
- Negative and interrogative sentences
- Difference between adjective and adverb
- And similar problems
There is no need to know the use of modals (He may do it vs He can do it) or conditionals (If I had seen it ...).
Final Objectives
Materials used Syllabus "English for Environmental Administration, second year".
Study costs Price for the syllabus (standard price per page).
Study guidance The syllabus contains extra exercises, both for the student who needs extra training and for the more advanced student. There is a" 'suggested reading' list for both categories of students.
Individualised feedback on tasks and oral presentations.
Teaching Methods Question and answer, exercises in class
Individual and group work
Role plays and improvisation
Assessment First exam session: 60% year work, 40% written exam
Second exam session: written exam 100%
Examination Board Flemish Commuity:
First exam session: written exam 40% and individual assessement.
Second exam session: written exam 100%.