Key words Marketing strategy
Objectives To accentuate general competences such as: thinking and reasoning skills, acquiring and handling information, analytical intellect, critical reflexion, making use of ICT possibilities, creativity, a disposition towards life long learning. To master professional competences such as:team work, problem solving, communication skills, mapping out situations in order to make strategic choices. This actually implies that based on a strategic analysis insight in the internal and external environment of a company is obtained.
It is the intention that students acquire sufficient knowledge of and insight in the matter to enable them to work out an entire strategic marketing plan during the third year.
- understanding the need and characteristics of a marketing strategy for an organisation
- strategic analysis (internal & external and SWOT)
- defining objectives
- strategic choises (discussing different strategic options)
- innovation management
- implementation & control
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of marketing (the marketing mix) and strategic marketing (such as segmentation and positioning).
Final Objectives
Materials used Book : Strategic Marketing Management (David Aaker) and/or teacher's course based on the book.
Study costs Current price of book & copies of teaching notes.
Study guidance Based upon group project & when requested by students
Teaching Methods Lectures, cases, exercises, guest speakers.
Assessment First exam session: 60% written exam and 40% permanent assessment
Second exam session: 100 % written exam
Examination Board Flemish Community:
First exam session: 60 % written exam and 40 % permanent assessment
Second exam session: 100 % written exam