Key words German
Objectives In the 2nd year the students' active and passive knowledge of German is consolidated and enlarged.
The basis is laid for the third-year course as well as for future job requirements.
Topics Attention is paid to pronunciation, word building and sentence structure, grammar, vocabulary, written and oral communication.
Topics dealt with include general marketing, advertising, trade fairs and letter writing.
Prerequisites Basic knowledge and language skills recommended.
Final Objectives
Materials used Syllabus with exercises compiled by lecturer.
Study costs Current price per photocopy as set by the 'Hogeschool' .
Study guidance The lecturer can always be consulted in case of problems and questions will also be answered by e-mail.
In addition, there are a number ofprogress tests.
Teaching Methods Methods used centre on student participation: question-answer, guided exercises, self-study assignments.
Assessment First exam period: permanent assessment 30% and written exam 70%
Second exam period: written exam 100%
Examination Board Flemish Community: first and second exam period: 100 % written exam