Key words Administrative law
- Apart from acquiring theoretical knowledge, the student is able to apply it to basic concrete situations.
- The student knows where to find information on administrative law.
- He learns to work with the help of a codex
- He will be able to analyse and summarize professional literature
- The student will be taught to view topical issues from their new-acquired insights
- Certain attitudes such as accuracy, precision and assertivity are paid attention to
- The student is taught to correctly use juridical terminology and to reason in a juridically correct way.
- The student is taught to word and motivate his own views.
- Introduction (concept 'administrative law', sources, practicable administrative decision)
- Public services, generally (concept, principles, ways of managing, office), together with several relevant examples (province, local council, social welfare council)
- State properties (public and private domain) and expropriation
- The administrative contract, with a detailed practical exampleEvery topic is completed with exercises, tasks and/or lectures, possibly an excursion.
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of civil law.
Final Objectives
Materials used Syllabus, codex, professional literature, articles from newspapers.
Study costs
- Syllabus "Administratief recht-deel 1", A. D'Hooghe, I. Cleymaet, with exercise series and extras. Cost price per copy fixed by Hogeschool Gent (+/- 130 pages)
- VRG-codex, 2 parts, Kluwer
Study guidance Individual study problems can be discussed with the lecturer.
Teaching Methods
- Lecturing alternated with question and answer sessions·
- Structured and progressively built up blackboard schemes
- Use of documents
- Use of legal code
- Practical exercises/tasks (both guided and independent)
- Lectures and/or visit to a public authority
Assessment first exam session: written exam.
Second exam session: written exam.
Examination Board Flemish Community: (ditto regular student).