Key words Criminal law and Criminal Proceedings
Objectives To obtain a basic knowledge of the criminal law and criminal proceedings. A lot of attention is paid to the socio-economic, political and penal theoretical developments which also have determined the evolution of the penology.
Learning to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge buy means of identifying the legal qualification of criminal behaviour and the applicable penalty.
Acquire accuracy in concepts and skills in analytical and synthetic thinking.
Be able to look for, to make an inventory of, to recollect sources containing legal data.
Topics 1. The basis principles of criminal law
2. The crime
3. Criminal liability
4. The punishment
5. Subjects of the civil and penal action
6. Criminal and judical investigation
7. Procedure at the courts
8. Penology
Prerequisites Civil law and civil proceedings.
Final Objectives
Materials used DE CLERCK D., Beginselen van strafrecht en strafvordering, Acco Leuven
Study costs € 40.
Study guidance In group and if necessary, on an individual basis.
Teaching Methods Lectures
Assessment First exam session: written exam 100%.
Second exam session: written exam 100%.
Examination Board Flemish Community: (ditto regular student).