Key words Insurance law
Objectives Aquiring insight of insurance law, more in particular the landinsurance agreement law and the exeptional regulated insurance policies mainly considering the private life of the insured person.
Along with the course civil right several legal angels are discussed.
The emphasis of the course lies on insight rather than reporduction.
Learning to look up, analyse and practice law as well as textual analysis of insurance magazine articles.
Topics Elaborate discussion of landinsurance agreement law.
Discussion of some particular code of order insurance agreements: fire-insurance/ parental liability insurance/ mandatory liability insurance concerning motovehicles/ life-insurance/ legal aid insurance.
Prerequisites Engagement contract agreement and contract jurisprudence.
Final Objectives
Materials used Bijzonder gereglementeerde verzekeringscontracten, auteur Philippe Colle - Uitgeverij Intersentia Uitgevers NV 2900 Antwerpen.
Study costs Cost price manual and cost price copies landinsuranceagreement law and articles.
Study guidance Opportunity to solve individual cases.
Guidance of the lecturer, students have several individual exercises emphasizing on individual research and text assessement.
Teaching Methods Hearing lecture emphesizing interaction between lecturer and students.
Learning discussions and supporting exercises.
Assessment First exam session : written examination 100 %.
Second exam session: written examnination 100%
Examination Board Flemish Community: (ditto regular student).