Key words European Law
- To gain insight into the influence of European law on Belgian law.
- To get aquatinted with Substantive Community Law: to gain students a better insight into the internal market with free movement of goods, persons, services and capital and the law of competition, by studying the texts of the Treaties and the judgements of the Court of Justice.
- To get acquainted with the different institutions of the EU.
- To get an insight into legal protection: the different legal proceedings before the Court of Justice and the role of the national judge in the assertion of European law.
- To learn to turn up, to analyse and to use texts of law and jurisprudence.
- To allow the student to develop a critical interest in the European integration.
- Introduction, the singularity of European Law.
- Substantive Community Law, the common market, free movement of goods: a customs union, a common customs tariff in the relation with third countries, the prohibition between Member States of customs duties on imports and exports and of all charges having equivalent effect, the prohibition between Member States of quantitative restrictions on imports and exports and all measures having equivalent effect, products coming from third countries which are in the free circulation of the Member States; free movement of persons: workers and relatives, right of establishment, students, citizenship of the Union; free movement of services; free movement of capital and payments, monetary union, rules on competition: rules applying to undertakings, aids granted by States.
- Institutions: the Commission, the Council, the European Parliament, the Court of Justice, the Court of Auditors, the European Central Bank, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions
- Legal protection: the Court of Justice: indirect or preliminary proceeding and direct proceedings; a court or tribunal of a Member State as community judge: priority and direct effect.
Final Objectives
Materials used Handboek: Kennismaking met de EU en het Europees Gemeenschapsrecht, Erik Dehaese, Uitgeverij Pelkmansand copies off judgements of the Court of Justice.
Study costs
Study guidance
Teaching Methods Lecturing, alternating with interactive discussion,practical exercises, analysis of judgements of the Court of Justice.
Assessment First exam session: written examination (100%)
Second exam session: written examination (100%)
Examination Board Flemish Community: (ditto regular student)