Key words Civil Procedure incl.deontology
Objectives The knowledge and skills acquainted in the 2nd year will be completed with the rules for the execution of the judicial decision. Students should get actively acquainted with a number of deeds and procedural materials, and with the follow up of the judicial dossier.
Students will get acquainted with the main aspects of professional moral codes, so that they are able to acquire the skills and attitudes that are compulsory or customary in legal profession
Topics law of seizure (enforcing payment), public sale by auction, collective settlement of debts; the legal profession : the notary public, the advocate, the bailiff;deontologic rules such as confidentiality; treatment of complaints; compliance with deontology .
Prerequisites Knowledge of the content of the course 'civil procedure', taught in the year before.
Final Objectives
Materials used Manual
Study costs
Study guidance
Teaching Methods Lecturing with the active use of the code and the judicial documents ; assignments; Contacts /visits to the professional world.
Assessment First examination session :permanent assessment 25%and written exam 75%.
Second examination session : written exam 100%.
Examination Board Flemish Community: first and second exam session: written exam 100%.