Key words Introduction to forwarding
- The purpose of the course is to introduce the student to specific basic concepts and meanwhile to get acquainted with all aspects of forwarding, in particular logistics management, transport management,…
- The student will be able to plan the logistic chain (from supplier to customer) and to identify the phases (supply, materials handling and physical distribution)
- Different transport alternatives are distinguished by the student and he/she can make a simple efficiency analysis of each transport modality, hereby appointing all advantages and disadvantages of different types of transport.
- The developed/educated attitudes are: a scholarly attitude, perception, ability to take decisions, accuracy
Topics The following aspects are dealt with:- Introduction
- Basis concepts
- Organisation of freight transport
- Introduction different types of transport
- Intermediary/Traffic agents
- Incoterms
- Environmental aspects
Final Objectives
Materials used Textbook from the teacher
Incoterms (folding card brochure)
Study costs Normal price dependent on the number of pages.
Study guidance Each lesson, the student has the opportunity to ask questions on studied material.
Teaching Methods The underlying principle is that of knowing, understanding, applying and integrating. Practically-oriented will be worked through a learning discussion supplement with exercises.
Assessment First exam session: permanent evaluation (30%) and written exam (70%)
Second exam session: written exam (100%)
Examination Board Flemish Community: first and second session: 100 % written exam