Key words Inleiding tot het milieurecht
Objectives This course lays the foundation for the study of environmental law in the second and third years of the study of environmental administration.
Special attention is paid to environmental policy.
Topics This course gives an insight in:- the historical backgrounds of environmental law
- the aims, the principles and instruments of environmental policy
- the sources of environmental law and organisation of and decision-making in evironmental policy on the various policy levels (international, European, Belgian, Flemish).
There is also a short overview of European evironmental law.
Prerequisites no prerequisites required
Final Objectives
Materials used syllabus
Study costs syllabus (ca. 170 pages)
Study guidance individual study problems can be discussed with the lecturer
Teaching Methods
- oral lectures based on interaction between student and lecturer
- discussion based on articles concerning national and international environmental policy and law
Assessment First exam session: written exam 100%
Second exam session: written exam 100%
Examination Board Flemish Community: First and second exam session 100% written exam