Key words Advertising
Objectives Students acquire the basic principles of communication terminology , mix instruments and of the communication plan.
They are able to implement that knowledge on cases in order to get insight in the communication plan of an organisation.
Initiation to the mastering of the following professional competences :- problem solving & team spirit
- implementing theoretical knowledge into practice by means of cases, team work, guest speakers etc…
Initiation to the mastering of the following general competences :- logical thinking
- research & processing of information
- critical attitude
- creativity
Topics 1. The Communication Process
2. The Communication Mix
3. The Communication Plan- Target Groups
- Objectives
- Strategy
4. Campaign Development
Prerequisites No specific knowledge required.
Final Objectives
Materials used Book
K.Floor & Van Raaij, Marketingcommunicatiestrategie ISBN 90207 28571.
Professional publications available in departmental library.
Study costs Current price book + copies.
Study guidance Individual questions & problems can always be communicated with the teaching staff.
Teaching Methods Lectures, dialogue, team assignment, cases.
Theoretical foundation illustrated by means of cases and examples.
Assessment First exam session: written exam 75% and + assignment 25%
Second exam session: written exam 100%
Examination Board Flemish Community (ditto regular student)