Key words German
Objectives To consolidate and broaden your active and passive command of German.
The basis is laid for later work in the second and third years, in which more professional communication forms are dealt with.
Topics There is great attention to pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and written and oral communication forms.
Prerequisites None
Final Objectives
Materials used Syllabus, with exercises.
Study costs Syllabus at unit price laid down by the Hogeschool.
Study guidance The lecturer will help you with additional explanation, whether in person or via email.
First-year students can get extra help from tutors ("monitoraat").
There are tests during the year.
Teaching Methods A range of participative forms are used: seminar, guided exercises, guided self-study, self-study.
Assessment First exam session: 70 % written exam, 30 % permanent assessment
Second exam session: 100 % written exam
Examination Commission Flemish Community: first and second exam session: 100% written exam