Key words Work placement, traineeship
Objectives This fairly intensive postgraduate course at Hogeschool Gent, department of Business Studies Mercator, from October till March, is followed by an on-the-job training period of 10 weeks.
This training period is meant to test the acquired knowledge by a hands-on experience in a company. The traineeship preferably takes place in a company abroad, because the language and culture of the country can create added value.
The student can also do the traineeship in Belgium, preferably in a company with international activities.
On-the-job training period: to be arranged in advance = practical traineeship with analysis phase and assimilation phase. The company plans a project that bears on several fields (import, export, staffing policy, market research…).The on-the-job trainingship can also be done by a team of students.
Topics Due to the several basic courses it is possible to make the placement company a professional offer. Similar on-the-job trainings have already led to excellent results.
Prerequisites Students need to have a university degree, or a degree in higher education (1 cycle or 2 cycles).
Final Objectives
Materials used
Study costs
Study guidance
Teaching Methods
Assessment Report / Presentation