Key words Child development, Education
Objectives The student learns to guide children and adolescents in the educational proces. Therefore he has knowledge of the psychology of child development and educational principles. He learns to make reflections about his own educational values and ohter influences in the educational process.
Topics Child and adolescent development.
Educational theories about the relationship between child and parents, principles of the democratic educational style, influences of family and it's structure, influences of changing society.
Theme's such al playing, eating, sleeping, going to school, tv-watching, adolescent behaviour,... are treated in a deeper way during sessions in small groups.
Prerequisites Knowledge: none
Attitude: willing to reflect about own experiences in education.
Final Objectives
Materials used Teachers' course.
Other textbooks
Study costs 20€
Study guidance On personal request
Teaching Methods Lectures
Case studies
Assessment Written examination.
Lecturer(s) Agnes Biltris