Key words sociology
Objectives The students can situate 'The Family' in both macro- as micro-sociological context as well as in a time frame. The have insight in this matter which enables them to formulate an own view of the importance of this institution.
Topics The family in a macro-sociological context : the family as a key-institution, functions and functions-shifts, pluriformity of todays families.The family in a micro-sociological context : the family as a primary group with ascribed positions, differentiation in rol-performances, sexrol-patterns (+evolution).The family in a time frame : partner-relations, the family as a system with specific processes.
Prerequisites Introduction in sociology
Final Objectives
Materials used Reader of work-texts and own notes.
Study costs
Study guidance Individual and collective guidance on request.
Teaching Methods Lectures with an accent on questioning and dialogue. Analysis of work-texts.
Assessment Oral examination with writter preparation. Evaluation of analysis of work-texts.
Lecturer(s) Anne Scheerlinck