Key words Management for the social-profit sector
Objectives Students :
1) elucidate the application of the law of 27th of June 1921 in a correct manner in its correlation to the foundation, the existence and the dissolution of a non-profit organization
2) explain the importance of a solid personnel management, discuss some major styles of leadership, indicate how conflict situations can be recognized and resolved, define some important motivators and demotivators concerning labour, explain key motivation theories, point out the evolution of and emphasise the goals of an evaluation
3) elucidate in a correct manner the strength of a solid accounting system, the possible accounting methods for a non-profit organization and the way their policy can be carried out
4) address the fiscal obligation of a non-profit organization precisely
5) elucidate the importance of an efficient internal financial organization and its actors of control, and compose a solvency budget
6) create a financial report an estimates of revenue
Topics The course consists of three points :
1) the law of 27th June of 1921 : the concept non-profit organization, the legal requirements for achieving corporate capacity, the statutes of a non-profit organization, the foundation, the divers organs of an non-profit organization, liability, donations and legacies, the management and wealth of a non-profit organization, the dissolution of a non-profit organization ;
2) the personal management in the social-profit sector : the importance of a solid personnel management driven by labour productivity, management, conflict control, labour motivation, and evaluation of functioning and assessment ;
3) the financial administration in the social-profit sector : accountancy, fiscal obligations, the liquidation problem, the financial reports.
Prerequisites None.
Final Objectives
Materials used Teacher's course
Study costs Teacher's course: approximately 7,00 EUR.
Study guidance Group monitoring on request
Teaching Methods Lectures
Assessment - Oral examination
- June
Lecturer(s) Jacques DE BRUYCKERE