Key words Social &communication skills
Objectives students should
- demonstrate views and skills concerning the theoretical processing of project development in personnel counseling
- give feedback and critical reflections about their own participation in a self-steering team and about the coaching
- work out a well got-up written product
- be able to give proof of a deeper understanding of the skills and attitudes as a counsellor and acquire these capacities
- be able to give proof of a deeper understanding of the specific conversational and rapporting techniques in the field of human resources management
Topics Aspects of group work:
Working-out a project taking into consideration the essential topics of group work in the field of human resources management: organisational vision, mission, targets, teambuilding, coaching, promotional activities, self-steering team, ...
Professional conversation techniques:
Training skills of the basic conversational techniques
Study of the basic communication patterns
Study of the different types of conversations and their methodological approaches within human resources management
Prerequisites Courses are build upon the acquired know-how of communication skills during the first two years of the curriculum.
Final Objectives
Materials used Teacher's course
Background information
Scientific & technical literature
School library materials
Study costs +/- 25 €
Study guidance
Teaching Methods Self-steering teams
Field work
Home study
Training period
Assessment Oral examination in the month of June
Lecturer(s) Coorevits John