Lectured in 3rd year Social workSection welfare consultancy
3de jaar Sociaal werk optie maatschappelijke advisering
3rd year Social workSection social work
3de jaar Sociaal werk optie maatschappelijk werk
3rd year Social workSection Human Resources
3de jaar Sociaal werk optie personeelswerk
3rd year Social workSection socio-cultural work
3de jaar Sociaal werk optie sociaal-cultureel werk
Theory [A] 20.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 75
Studypoints [E] 3
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Maurice WALGRAEVE
Reference SGSWKS03K00001
Key words
Studium generale

By making a choice for optional courses and seminars, the student can fill in a part of his own program in order to add some skills to his basic formation.

Students must choose for optional courses for a total of 3 studypoints.
They can choose for optioncourses of a composition of several activities or seminars.
Those activities can be organised bij the departement or bij other departements, other schools or organisations.
However some activities are obligated.
The student needs the admission of the tutor 'Studium Generale' concerning the program he choose for.


Final Objectives

Materials used
Varies with the choices

Study costs
Varies with the choices

Study guidance

Teaching Methods
Varies with the choices

Examination and assignements are to be discussed between tutor and student and written down. Criteria and practical form is written in a guiding note.

Agnes Biltris