Lectured in 2nd year Social work
2de jaar Sociaal werk
Theory [A] 27.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 81
Studypoints [E] 3
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Jacques DE BRUYCKERE
Reference SGSWKX02A00208
Key words
Social economy

Students :
1. elucidate the dertermining factors of wage formation
2. explain the division of national income correctly and defend their personal opinion in the matter
3. indicate the poverty issue in Belgium and throughout the world, and reflect on possible solutions in a critical manner
4. define accurately the divers types of labour conflicts and their vital forms of expression, and analyse the causes and consequences of a strike and methods to disarm strikes
5. define the concept labour-market accurately and indicate the influence of demand and supply on that market
6. analyse the impact and evolution of the world's population, that of Belgium, and its evolutions, and analyse the structure and the division into sectors of the Belgian workforce
7. sketch the issue of unemployment in Belgium and reflect on possible solutions in a critical manner
8. indicate the correlation between economy and environment, analyse the issue of environment and reflect on possible solutions in a critical manner
9. define the concept of economic ethics correctly and evaluate the economy from an ethical angle of incidence

The course addresses six themes :
1. the determining actors of wage formation : concepts, wage structure, wage formation, types of wage, wages and employment, wages and the index
2. the division of national income : concept, different kinds of income division, poverty in Belgium and throughout the world
3. labour conflicts : different types, the most important forms of expression of open conflicts, causes and consequences of a strike, a historical analysis of the strike phenomenon, ways to up heal a strike
4. labour-market : concept, population versus economy, the active population, employment versus unemployment
5. economy versus ecology : concept of environmental economy, limits to economic grouwth, causes of environmental degradation, the use of market mechanism to protect ecology, ways for the future
6. economy versus ethics : economic ethics, evaluating and ethical economy

Basic knowledge of contents of the subject "Economy" (1st year).

Final Objectives

Materials used
Teacher's course

Study costs
Teacher's course : approximately 8,00 EUR

Study guidance
Group monitoring on request

Teaching Methods

- Written examination
- March
