Key words Human Resource Management, Social Counseling
Objectives Human Resource Management:
- students define the different paradigma of personnel management which derived from the historically elaborated visions on the worker in the workplace;
- students describe the basic models of current human resource management;
- students describe concepts, methods and techniques concerning the effective management of people at work;
- students practise some basic skills in the field of personnel management
Social Counseling:
to provide basical information and draw attention on major developments in jurisprudence. This course is focused on the practical needs of those who work in the social sector. The part social administration must train students to search, find and registrate information on social law courses related to matters of social security.
Topics Human Resource Management:
Starting with the HRM-model as a diagnostic frame, 5 key-areas of personnel management are taken into view:
- manpower planning
- personnel development
- terms of employment and working conditions
- human relations and collective bargaining
- organizational development
Social Counseling:
social security institutions, liability service, pensions, family benefits, yearly vacation, health care and benefits, accidents at work and occupational diseases, unemployment.
Prerequisites Human Resource Management: Basic knowlegde of economy, sociology and psychology.
Final Objectives
Materials used Human Resource Management:
- teacher's course
- school library materials
- others
Social Counseling:
teacher's course, background information
Study costs
Study guidance
Teaching Methods Human Resource Management:
- lectures
- exercices
- home study
Social Counseling:
lectures, case studies, exercices, individual reports, group reports
Assessment Human Resource Management:
written examination
Social Counseling :
written examination, written tests
Human Resource Management : Pascal ROSKAM
Social Counseling : Marleen DE MEYER