Key words Real estate projects
Using all theory in practice.
Making papers and technical reports
Making contacts with official and private services
Depending on possible subjects given by corporate partners these projects can be performed within a Small Business Project in cooperation with Vlaamse Jonge Ondernemingen.
Tasks are e.g.
- Making an outline of a lotting
- Making urbanistic regulations by a new lotting
- Making a building permission file
- Making a land registration file
- Making a road construction outline
- Determine building indices
- Making a city renovation plan
- Looking for reglementations about parking, ...
Prerequisites Courses of the first and second year.
Final Objectives
Materials used
- teacher's course
- other textbook(s)
- background information
- scientific & technical literature
- school library materials ...
- others
Study costs
Study guidance
Teaching Methods
- case studies
- exercises
- individual reports
- group reports
- field work
- Scoring system :
Lecturer(s) Dagmar Lockefeer
Dirk Gysemans
Marc Van Impe
Chris Claeys