Key words Mathematics
The knowledge of mathematical techniques and concepts which are essential in other technical subjects and necessary for professional duty.Successful application of these techniques.
Topics Optional subjects :
- Spherical trigonometry :
Fundamental ideas concerning spherical triangles, area of the spherical triangle, basic formulae, spherical distance between two places on earth.
- Analysis :
One variability :
limits and asymptotes, continuity, derivatives, the differential, theorems of the average and their applications, formulae of Taylor and Maclaurin, integrals.
More variability :
functions of two variables, partial derivatives, method of the smallest squares applied to curvefitting.
- Statistics :
Describing statistics :
Collecting and ordening of data. Representation of data by means of graphics. Central measures and spreading measures. Regression and correlation.
Explanatory statistics :
Combination theory . Calcules of probabilities. Important laws.
Final Objectives
Materials used
- teacher's course
Study costs Appr. EUR 7.5
Study guidance
Teaching Methods
- lectures
- case studies
- exercises
- home study
- Scoring system :
written examination
Lecturer(s) Luc Roman; Johan Flamang