Key words food constituents, storage, processing, additives, contaminants
- Study of the food constituents and their chemical
- Getting insight knowledge in the chemical reactions
which occur in food during its production, storage and
- Being able to assess the profit of additives after the study
of their different functions
- Realizing the important problem of food contamination
1. Chemical caracteristics and analyzing methods of water,
proteins, lipids and carbohydrates
2. Enzymes
3. Non enzymatic reactions of carbohydrates
4. Vitamins and minerals
5. Food additives
6. Food contamination
Prerequisites Organic Chemistry an Biochemistry from the 1° en 2° year Chemistry
Final Objectives
Materials used
- teacher's course (180 p.)
- other textbook(s)
Study costs 5 euro
Study guidance After each lesson there is the possibility to ask questions
Teaching Methods
- lectures
- home study
- Scoring system :
oral examination
Lecturer(s) Maria Meganck