Lectured in 3rd year ChemistrySection chemistry
3de jaar Chemie optie chemie
Theory [A] 26.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 78
Studypoints [E] 3
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Valérie DE VYNCK
Reference TGCHCH03A23968
Key words
Physico-chemistry, viscosity, electrolytes, crytals, electric and magnetic properties, surface tension

The knowledge and skills appropriated during the second year of the education are enlarged withsome specific physico-chemical applications in order to provide the student a nice physico-chemical view in a broad spectrum of applications.

*electric and magnetic properties of molecules : dipoolmoments, permittivity, intermolecular forces,magnetisation.
*the liquid state : forces in liquids, rheological properties, kinetical phenomenas.
*processes at interfaces : surface tension, formation of micels, surfactantia and applications.
*the solid state : Miller indices, X-ray diffraction, cristal classification, neutron and electron diffraction, determination of structures, conductivity.

Principles of thermodynamica and the theory of ideal gasses.

Final Objectives

Materials used
Theoretical course

Study costs
course theory : approximately 10 euro

Study guidance
Possibility to discuss problems after appointment with the lecturer.

Teaching Methods
Interactive lectures with the possibility to asq questions and to debate.

Max. points to gain : 60 ptn
Written preparation with possibility to oral defence. Theoretical questions and problems.
Possibility of re-examination.

Valérie DE VYNCK