Key words Applied Mechanics
The application of a number of techniques that are necessary with the calculation of construction parts. Here the emphasis is placed on the applications, so that the student can make his calculations on his own and determine the dimensions of the parts.
Basic knowledge of mechanics:
Compounding and resolving of forces; sorts of loads; balance under the influence of forces; reaction forces; frameworks; centres of gravity; .
Calculations of strength:
Wood constructions ( general); tensile and compression stresses; supports; shear stresses; moment of inertia; bending and resistance moments; transverse forces and moment line; deformation (sagging)
Prerequisites Knowledge of goniometry and the solving of equations is an advantage, but not a requirement
Final Objectives
Materials used
teacher's course
Study costs Appr. 10 €
Study guidance coaching
Teaching Methods
- lectures
- exercises
- home study
- Scoring system:
written examination
Lecturer(s) Isabelle Van Keymeulen