Key words Business Management
Besides the knowledge of civil law and contract law, it is very important to be aware of the different economical aspects of the businessworld of today. A student who wants to become independant must know the basic economical principles, such as bookkeeping, social law and tax law.
Topics 1. Employee or not?
2. Social law
3. Social statute of employees and self-employed persons
4. Formalities and business licensing requirements
5. Tax law
6. V.A.T.
7. Commercial documents and practices
8. Introduction to bookkeeping
Prerequisites No specific economical foreknowledge required, but the student needs to know the basic concepts of civil law and contract law.
Final Objectives
Materials used
Study costs Syllabus: ± € 4,00.
Study guidance No monitoring system.
Teaching Methods Lecture with interaction between lector and students.
The theory is illustrated by several practical case studies. Blackboard will be used as a tool for additional documents and assignments.
Internetsession for business licensing requirements.
Written examination.
Resit possible.
Lecturer(s) Dagmare LOCKEFEER