Key words
Objectives The student will know the basics and techniques of landscape and park maintenance. He (She) can advise the prefered techniques and correct applications in the workfield.
The student can create a management model after evaluation of the existing situation.
- The student can observe and compare the differences of public urban greenspaces and plantcommunities and planttypes growing in the landscape;
- He can recognise and analyse the possible management and maintenance scenario's and possible combinations;
- A useful maintenance management can be proposed meeting the goals linked to options and chronological realisation to obtain the wishful final result.
Topics Leading techniques and appropriate conditions applied laws and realisations.
Plan and management visions, principles according to the planing level, landsituation, vegetation.
Prerequisites Basic general knowledge of planting materials, obtained during the first year course.
Final Objectives
Materials used Teacher's course
Other textbook(s)
Background information
Scientific & technical literature
School library materials
Study costs Cost: 45.0 EUR Course +/- € 45.00
Study guidance
Teaching Methods Lectures
Discussion exercises field work
Home study
Training period
Assessment Written partial and final examination
Scoring system:
Theory: 2/3
Exercises: 1/3