Key words Thesis
Objectives The student should have the capacity to make a study about a theme concerning landscaping.
Topics The subjectmatter of the thesis is chosen among themes concerning landscaping and/or town-planning.
Prerequisites The theoritical and pratical knowledge students have gathered during their first and second year.
Final Objectives The student should have the capacity to make a study about a theme concerning landscaping.
Materials used The reglementation on the third year landscaping scientific and technical literature schoollibrary.
Study costs Depends on the theme and the art of presentation of the thesis.
Study guidance Students are allowed to ask extra assistance from the tutor.
Teaching Methods Personal work assisted by a tutor
Assessment Permanent evaluation: (1/3 of the points)
Final evaluation: (2/3 of the points).
Lecturer(s) Nele DE COCK - Gilbert WEYTS - Caroline POULLIER