Key words
Objectives To give students basic knowledge about the set up of field and animal experiments, the principles of sampling and field
observations and the statistical processing of scientific experiments. Search of literature on a topic or subject.
Partim German
To learn written and oral communication techniques in Business German
Partim English
To learn written and oral communication techniques in Business English
Topics Management of scientific experiments, Statistical and biological models, Data collection; Experimental designs, size of
experimental plots, side AND border effects, number of replications, statistical analysis of data, analysis of variance, regression
methods, interpretation of statistical results.
Basic and background of the possibilities of literature search with internet, abstract databases as Current Contents, food science and Technology Abstracts, ..libraries
Partim German
Grammar for beginners - business communication (making phonecalls, organisation of a company, placing orders,...) - Landeskunde -
(industry export and import, German companies, currency , ...) - application
(preparation for application letters and application interview)
Partim English
Language aspects (phonetics - difference between British and American English - use of a dictionary - pitfalls - translation exercises) - oral business - communication: Management (handbook) - written business communication: writing reports - communication in general (texts)
Prerequisites Statistics
Partim German
None : this course is written for absolute beginners.
Partim English
Intermediate level of English language
Final Objectives The student is able to search, process and present literature independently, and to process and evaluate experimental data statistically.
Materials used
Partim German
"Wirtschaftsdeutsch für Anfänger" (communication, grammar, Landeskunde)
Partim English
Syllabus "Business Communication, part one" compiled by K. Pollefliet) - handbook "Management" (series 'Getting on in Business' - series "Getting on in Business" - J. Fitzgerald - Black Cat Publishing)
Study costs Cost: 30.0 EUR Partim German : ± 15 Euro
Partim English : ± 15 Euro
Study guidance The student can always make an appointment.
Teaching Methods - lectures - seminars - exercises - others
written test + oral test
Partim English: +assignment (mini-presentation)