Key words tropical soils, erosion
Objectives Gaining insight in the management and conservation of tropical soils, mainly related to soil erosion bu water.
Topics The first chapter deals with soil erosion. This comprises the determination of the erosion sensitivity of the soil and erosion control by different techniques.
Also attention will be given to soil survey techniques and the elaboration of a soil legend.
Prerequisites General knowledge in soil science required
Final Objectives The course enables the student to evaluate soil erosion features and the sensivity to soil erosion, with emphasis on the humid tropics, and to formulate soil conservation measures.
Materials used Lecture notes 'Tropisch bodembeheer en bodembehoud' (G. BAERT), in Dutch
Study costs Cost: 10.0 EUR 10 Euro
Study guidance Books and software available at the Laboratory
Teaching Methods Lectures combined with excursion
Assessment Theory : oral examination (open questions)
Impact coefficient :
theory: 3/4
excersizes : 1/4
Lecturer(s) Geert Baert