Key words geometric optica, interferention, diffraction, elementary quantum mechanics, nuclear physics, special relativity
Acquiring the physical background to be able to solve and understand engineering
The complete view of geometrical optics and wave optics (interference, diffraction, polarisation).
The second part deals with motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields, the special relativity, atoms and spectra, principles of quantum mechanics, emission of electrons and an introduction to nuclear physics.
Physics Part 1: classical mechanics and waves.
Final Objectives
- The student takes a critical view of physical phenomena.
- The student tries finding physical principles governing phenomena.
- The student is able to simplifiy models of real-life situations.
- The student is able to make a distinction between relevant and non-relevant parameters in an experiment.
- The student is able to find universal laws from particular situations.
Materials used
- teacher's course - other textbook(s) - background information via internet
- scientific & technical literature - school library materials - electronic teacher platform.
Study costs Cost: 13.0 EUR +/- €13 for syllabi.
Study guidance Lecturer and teaching assistants are available for further explanation of the given topics.
Teaching Methods
lectures - classroom demonstrations - guided exercises
- group reports - field work - training period.
Assessment written examination (including midterm exam) - written tests.
Lecturer(s) Theory:
Johan D'heer.
Lab experiments:
Teaching asistants from the physics group.