Key words economic law
Objectives The purpose of the course is to familiarize the students with the legal aspects of different types of government intervention in the economy to regulate market practices.
Topics The course contains four major parts:Part I covers the principles applicable to the introduction of goods and services on the markets (including the principle of free movement of goods and services in the E.C.).Part II deals with the principles applicable to the establishment of economic activities (including the E.C. right of establishment).Part III studies the basic rules relating to fair trade practices, aimed at protecting the interests of other market participants such as competitors and/or consumers.Part IV is devoted to the central principles of competition policy and law (antitrust), aimed at safeguarding the competitive market structure against concerted practices or undesirable concentration of market power.
Prerequisites The knowledge, insights and skills acquired in the course "Introduction to Law" in the first year and in the courses "Law of Obligations", "Commercial Law" and "Partnerships, Corporations and Associations" in the second year.
Final Objectives
Materials used teacher's text
Study costs
Study guidance
Teaching Methods lectures
Assessment closed book written examination
Lecturer(s) Marc Kruithof