Lectured in 1st year Master in Industrial Sciences in Construction Science
1st year Bachelor in Industrial Sciences in Chemistry
1st year Bachelor in Industrial Sciences in Electronics-ICT
1st year Bachelor in Industrial Sciences in Computer Science
1st year Bachelor in Industrial Sciences in Electromechanics
1st year Bachelor in Industrial Sciences in Electromechanics
Theory [A] 38.0
Exercises [B] 19.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 170
Studypoints [E] 6
Level specialized
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Christian VANDENPLAS
Reference IBIWBO01A00010
Key words
Thermodynamics, fluid dynamics

Fluid dynamics is based on a number of basic laws of thermodynamics and fluid dynamics, consisting of: conservation of energy, momentum and mass. Using these laws it is possible to determine the efficiency of thermal machines. The study of fluid/gas flow gives the opportunity to understand and calculate practical applications using analytical, experimental and numerical methods. Hydraulic losses in pipe systems, external flow around airplane wings, cars, etc… are typical applications.

Conservation law of energy for open and closed systems.
The second law of thermodynamics ( entropy).
Heat transfer ( conduction, convection and emission).

Fluid dynamics:
Introduction of the basic concepts and typical flow phenomena using practical applications.
Introduction of the basic laws of fluid dynamics. Starting from the given Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, simplified models are derived and their applicability is illustrated.
Analytical and semi-empirical models are studied and exercised.
Introduction of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) within CAE environment. The numerical simulation process of fluid flow and heat transfer are explained, demonstrated and exercised.
Introduction of experimental methods including visualisation and measurement techniques.

Final objectives for mathematics and physics at secondary school . Final objectives Mathematics 1

Final Objectives
Scientific Objectives ACW1 ACW2.
The student has the general skill of recognizing the scientific background of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and fluid dynamics, considering analytical/semi-empirical, experimental and numerical methods.
The student is able, starting from a given practical problem.
To situate the scientific background.
To retrieve the appropriate information and references.
To discuss the problem with specialists in the field.

Technical Objectives ATC1 ATC2
The student is able to analyse and calculate heat transfer problems.
The student has the competence to interpret the performances of refrigerators, engines and other thermal machines.
The student is able to apply the learned methods to flow problems occurring in machines, industrial applications, or in any other domain like e.g. sports.
The student possesses a basic knowledge/expertise in CFD in order to understand and to simulate simple flows.

Materials used
Course notes: fluid dynamics and thermodynamics (Peter Van Ransbeeck, Cyriel Van Rumst, Christian Vandenplas, Luc Lebeer)
Literature: “Warmteleer voor Technici” (Van Kimmenaede)

Study costs
€ 6

Study guidance
During the lectures
During the exercise sessions
On demand

Teaching Methods
Theory: lectures
Thermodynamics: analytical individual exercises
Fluid dynamics:
Project work in group: assignment within CAE environment (70%).
Analytical individual exercises (30%).

Written examination (66%)
Exercises thermodynamics and fluid dynamics (17%)
Project work within CAE environment ( 17%)

Lebeer, Van Rumst, Van Ransbeeck, Vandenplas, De Ridder, Lefebure, Foubert