Key words Informatica, P170, P175, T120
Objectives The courses Informatica I & II make an Industrial Engeneer a professional programmer knowing about the basic principles of modern programming languages and abstract data typing. He acquires insight in the functioning of a computer. He is able to apply these skills in other languages used by software applications and in other circumstances like PLC-driven machines. Moreover he developes his analytical skills, knows how to solve problems and formulates correct solutions.
Informatica II and Gegevensverwerking are based on this course.
Topics In one part of the course, some fundamentals of hardware and software are being taught.
The other part introduces structured programming in C++ (variables, arrays, arithmetic and logical condition, loop, selection).
Prerequisites Basic scientific competentions of secondary school.
Final Objectives Scientific competentions:
The student is able to analyse and strucrture a simple problem and to translate it into a computer program.
Technical competentions
The student is able to make, test and execute a simple program on his own.
The student acquires insight in the basic functions of a computer and his environment.
Specific competentions
The student is able to learn simple program techniques and to apply them.
The student has insight in the architecture, the functioning and the components of a simple computer system.
Materials used Informatica, basiskennis en inleiding tot programmeren in C++ (J. Cnops - G. Vanhoogenbemt)
Some books about the course topics are available in the library. On the intranet of the department, some programming examples and exercises can be found.
Study costs € 10 (course material and copies of tasks)
Study guidance The student always can make an appointment. with the teachers.
Teaching Methods Lectures - exercises on a PC
Assessment Lectures: written examination (73%)
Exercises: permanent evaluation and tests (27%)
Lecturer(s) Department of Computer Science