Key words Informatica, P170, P175, T120
Objectives In this course the student Computer Science and Electronics
acquires the abilities needed for the practical sessions of the
specialised courses in Computer Science.
He will learn to assemble a computer, install and use the most common
operating systems. He will become acquainted with developing simple web
pages, and obtain an overview of the most common file formats and their
Topics The course consists of four parts:
- computer hardware, installation and configuration
- operating systems
- file formats
Students learn to recognise the most important hardware components and
assemble a computer with them. They learn to install dual boot systems
and learn to install and configure extra software. They are taught the
basic commands of UNIX and of Windows, and how to make simple web pages
using HTML and CSS. They learn the use of different file formats, and
how to convert them.
Prerequisites None.
Final Objectives Scientific competentions:
The student is able to detect simple hardware and software problems, to
analyse and to solve them.
Technical competentions
The student is able to perform a task autonomously, using a manual.
The student acquires insight in the basic functions of a computer and his environment.
Specific competentions
The student is able to use the most important commands of a UNIX and of a Windows environment.
The student is able to make a simple web page.
The student knows the components of a computer and is able to assemble a computer with them.
The student has insight in the different important file formats, and is able to use them and to indicate where they are appicable.
Materials used Handouts with explanations and assignments. On the intranet of the
department there are links with background information.
Study costs € 10 (handouts)
Study guidance Explanations during lab sessions or after appointment.
Teaching Methods Lab sessions: autonomous work, in group and individually.
Assessment Lab sessions: permanent evaluation and tests (100%)
Lecturer(s) Department of Computer Science.