Key words
This course pursues a thorough study of
1. the following disciplines in land surveying : altimetry, telemetry and
goniometry (vertical and horizontal angles)
2. the adjustment, set-up and use of topographic instruments
a. theory:
I. Introduction - Generalities
Topography, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Photo-interpretation;
History, purpose, realisation in the context of the higher/lower level of
Geodesy, geodetic surface of reference, geographic projection systems, maps
(technical, thematical, topographical);
*Introduction to map-reading:
Interest, elements of a map, surface relief, the concept "MILS",
U.T.M.-coordinate system;
*Fault Analysis:
Random Error, distribution, fault criterion, simple and compound perception,
II. Positioning.
Principles, fundamental formulae, influence of the curvature of the earth,
adjustment techniques, conditions of applicability;
Triangulation, polygonation, intersection and resection problems, polar and
rectangular co-ordinates, Belgian plane geometry system.
III. Altimetry - Levelling.
Component parts of a levelling-instrument, different types, set up and
adjustment, geometric(al) and trigonometric(al) levelling, accuracy, Belgian
levelling system, barometric altimetry.
IV. Goniometry.
Component parts of a goniometric(al) instrument, diffystem, barometric altimetry.
IV. Goniometry.
Component parionmethods for the measurement of
horizontal angles : procedures and registration ; Bessel; adjustment.
V. Secondary instruments and devices.
VI. Recent technology.
Exercises and fieldwork on goniometry, levelling, survey of the ground,
process of the measuring-data, fault analysis and adjustment, topographical
Final Objectives
Materials used
a. theory: teacher's course
Background information: "Topografie" R.Smet,A.Vagenende, ed.IH-BME, Gent ,
and "Praktisch Landmeten" R.Jonkers, Waltman, Delft.
b. practice: manual to the instruments
Study costs
Study guidance
Teaching Methods
a. theory: lectures
b. practice: exercises and fieldwork
a. theory: oral test + oral examination : 47 %
b. practice: permanent evaluation and written group reports for the
exercises and fieldwork (including evaluation of the individual
contribution) : 35 %