Key words
- Introduction to the rheology of (the material) reinforced concrete;
- Recommendations for the design and construction of concrete structures
given by Eurocode 1 and 2;
- Design of structural reinforced concrete elements in the limit-states :
beams, slabs, columns, plate elements, walls, corbels, footings,...
I. Basics for design
Co-operation steel-concrete, function(s) of the reinforcement, measurement
lists of concrete, formwork, reinforcing steel ; plan view ;
Actions on structures ;
II. Basic Design rules - Calculation Methods
- Principles : Ultimate Limit States - Serviceability Limit States -
assumptions - representative values of material properties - strength -
stress and strain - cracking ;
- Beams : rectangular cross-sections, optimal height, limit height, use and
calculation of compressive steel;
- Reinforcement : cutting, bending, joints, anchorages, positioning ;
- Durability : special protective measures, prerequisites related to
execution and maintenance;
- Flench beams
- Shear design
- Columns : design and detailing
III. Applications
- hyperstatic beams
- plate elements: approximate method by Marcus
- footings - foundations
Basic knowledge of mechanical and technological properties of concrete and
Knowledge of principles of structural analysis.
Final Objectives
Materials used
Textbook "Betonbouw Berekenen-Dimensioneren-Constructie deel
1:Grondbegrippen-Courante gevallen" ; J.Ritzen en R.Smet , Ed. Academia
Press, Gent
Teacher's manual schemes to applications
Background information: "Betontechnologie" J.Ritzen en R.Smet, Ed.Die Keure,
Study costs
Study guidance
Teaching Methods
a. theory: lectures
b. practice: individual exercises
Theory (oral examination after written preparation): 73÷
Practice (written test on design and detailing of a reinforced concrete