Lectured in 3rd year ElectronicsSection design techniques
Theory [A] 50.0
Exercises [B] 25.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 200
Studypoints [E] 7
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Jan BEYENS
Reference IIELKO03A03936
Key words

The course provides a basic inside in the measuring and controlling processes of automation. Practical insight is gained through case studies of thermal, pneumatic, hydraulic en electrical systems. The link with the processcomputertechnology is explained. The student learns the mathematical techniques for the systemanalysis in the time and frequencydomain.
The behaviour of different controlstrategies are explored. The correct tuning of controllers is learned through stabilityresearch, stability-correction and the necessary basic practise rules for tuning.

1. Fundamentals of Automatic control.
Basic definitions, examples of simple control systems; different implementations of control, classification of controllers and systems, delay in control systems.
2. Laplacetransformation
Definitions, properties, transformationrules and the inverse transformation.
3. Transferfunction, blockdiagrams and signal flow graphs.
Definitions, properties, transformationrules and practical examples.
4. Analysis of the tuningalgorithms.
The proportional, integral and differential controllers. Practical examples.
Standard responses and practical parameterdefinitions. Systemanalysis of the servo and disturbance behaviour of different controlled processes 5. First, second and higher order systems.
Practical examples, responses, identificationtechniques, controlcriteria,
Feedback control loops for the different orders.
6. Systemanalysis in the frequencydomain
The Nyquist, Bode and Black diagrams : usage, properties and applications.
Meaning and usage of the Hall curves.
Fourier decomposition, Fourier transformation, Fast Fourier Transformation,

7. Stability ofposition, Fourier transformation, Fast Fourier Transformatioe Bode criterion, the gain and phase margins.
8. Practical tuning rules for continues control systems.
9. An overview of stability correction schemes and compensationmethods.
10. Introduction to digital control.

First cycle

Final Objectives

Materials used
Teachers course

Study costs

Study guidance

Teaching Methods
The theoretical lectures are given on the base of two hours/week.
This is completed with demonstrations and exercices in the Laboratory on the base of one hour/week.

Oral examination for the theoretical course and permanent evaluation for the practical training.
