Lectured in 3rd year ElectronicsSection electrotechnics
Theory [A] 50.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 170
Studypoints [E] 6
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Christof DAUWELS
Reference IIELME03A03982
Key words
Production of electrical energy

To let the students gain a clear insight into the different possibilities for the production of electrical energy energy. The intention is that the studentsgain insight in the advantages and disadvantages of the different systems and so gain insight into the trends and stragical choices who are made by the energyproducing industry. Because this course combines as well as mechanical thermodynamical as economical and ecological aspects. This course is an outstanding example of a synthesis of the whole serie of training items.

After a chapter of introducing standards about energy, consumption and production, there will be gone more deeply into the organization of the electrical industry and the environmental and establishment problems of the centrals. The different thermodynamical steam and gas cycles will be reviewed. There will be made a comparison between the nuclear centrals and the classical centrals. There will be also be payed attention to the new tendencies in this domain such as STEG and heat-powercoupling centrals. All the elements from water purfication to smoke gas draining will be meticulous examinde. With this all relevant parts of the central will be reviewed (condenser, power supply, turbine, ...). After all we can't miss the starting up of the centrals. The last step is the distribution of the energy over the high-tension network.

The course thermodynamics from second candidature is very essential.

Final Objectives

Materials used
A syllabus of production of electrical energy is available (250 pages).

Study costs
The course is available at the price of 3 eurocent/page .

Study guidance
Personal contact, after appointment with the teacher, is always possible to explain or clarify problems about the material.

Teaching Methods
The material will be teached in the form formal lectures. Particularly the thermodynamical steaming cycle allows to be exercised on the basis of some theoretical exercises which can be resolved by the students.

Theory (oral/written exam) : 100 %
The theory will be examined in the form of a test (40 %) and a final examination (60%).
Both examinations will be oral with a written preparation. The questions are open questions, drawn by the students and will be spread over the whole course.

Christof DAUWELS