Key words computer graphics, snmp, IPv6, XML
Objectives Profound introduction to some specific selected topics from information technology,
Topics 1. Computer graphics overview of various techniques to define and render 3D objects:
- rastering of lines and circles, thick lines, antialiasing
- affine transformations and perspective projections
- clipping
- cubic splines
- Bézier curves, B-splines and NURBS
- rectangular and triangular Bézier and NURBS patches
- Coons surfaces and Gordon surfaces
- Discrete wavelet transformations, applied to computer grafics
- Determinion of hidden surfaces
- light and schadows, reflection models.
2. New trends in netwerk management discusses additional topics, not covered by the basic network management course :
- the X.700 management model
- ASN.1 syntax
- MIBs (including MIB-II and RMON)
- the SNMP protocol
- IPv6 adressing and message structure
- ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery and autoconfiguration techniques
- migrating from IPv4 toward IPv6
3. XML
- XML and namespaces
- DTD and XML scheme
- XSL, XSLT and XPath
- other XML technologies, including XLink, XPointer, XQuery and XForms
- DOM and SAX
- Using XML
- SOAP and web services
Prerequisites Basic college mathematics, as taught in the first and second year mathematics courses.
Profound knowledge of programming techniques and of basic networking, as taught in the second year Information Technology courses
Basic knowledge about abstract datatyping and programming in Java.
Final Objectives
Materials used Syllabus, slides, programming examples and applets
Study costs € 10 .
Study guidance The students can make an appointment or e-mail
Teaching Methods Lectures
Additional computerlabs
Assessment Written examination (100%)
Lecturer(s) Joris MOREAU - Veerle ONGENAE