Key words Introduction to insurance
Objectives Insurance law: - Getting an understanding of insurance law, in particular land insurance agreement law.
- Offering students a strong basis, introduction.
- Judicial aspects are dealt with.
- Emphasis is put on insight, not on reproduction.
- Analysing, interpreting and applying texts of law.
- Basic principles of deontology are taught.
Insurance techniques
Students get an understanding of the technical organization of an insurance company and are taught how the insurer can come to an equilibrium through a correctly calculated premium.
On the one side students can compute the risk premium, on the other hand they can compare it to the cost of claims so as to be able to apply the principle of equilibrium.
Finally students acquire the necessary competencies in connection with the formation of technical reserves.
Topics Insurance law:
LAND INSURANCE AGREEMENT LAW- Rules common to all sorts of insurance agreements : realization of the agreement, evidence, commitment of the insurance subscriber and insurer, deontology.
- Rules typical of the different types of insurance : indemnity insurance, personal insurance.
Starting with a general introduction to the insurance system in Belgium, 4 chapters are explained in datail:- Evaluation and acceptance of risks.
- Neutralization and compensation of risks (including co-insurance and re-insurance).
- Calculation of the premiums.
- Technical activities: reserves and intermediary activities.
Prerequisites None
Final Objectives Knowledge:
Knowledge of:- Basic principles of civil and commercial law
- Specific law and regulations concerning financial and insurance products
- Professional vocabulary
- Judicial and financial documents
- professional associations and organizations
Keeping abreast of topical matters and deontology
Skills:- Thinking and reasoning power
- Bringing one's knowledge up to date
- Being critical
- following legislation concerning finance and insurance and check whether it is correct, complete and up to date
- converting formal texts of law to ready-to-use information
Attitudes:- Being precise and accurate
- Following the evolution of law and regulations
Materials used Syllabus, handbook
Study costs Syllabus : unit price determined under Hogeschool rules
Handbook : current market price
Study guidance Student's questions are answered individually.
Teaching Methods Lectures emphasizing interaction between lecturer and students.
Assessment First exam session:- Insurance techniques: 100 % written exam
- Insurance law: 100 % written exam
Second exam session:Insurance techniques: - 100 % written exam
- Insurance law : 100 % written exam
Examination Board Flemish Community:- first and second exam session: written exam 100%.