Key words Tax law
Objectives The course aims at giving students a general understanding of personal income taxation. Students must be able to fill out a tax return and calculate the basis of tax assessment. They will also get an understanding of calculating personal income tax.
- Immovable income
- Movable income
- Professional income
- Various earnings
- Deductible items from total net income
- Expenses eligible to tax reduction
Prerequisites none
Final Objectives Knowledge:
Job-related (professional):
Job-related (specific)- Knowledge of the law concerning personal income tax
General:- Thinking and reasoning power
- Working on one's own
- Being decisive
- Consulting sources
- Acquiring and assimilating information
Job-related (general)- Looking up information efficiently
- Dealing with figures
Job-related (specific)- Being able to apply the law when filling out a tax return or calculating taxable income and taxes
General:- Being precise and accurate
- Being tidy
- Being practical
Job-related (specific)- Being practical
- Being critical of one's own conclusions
- Being precise and accurate
Materials used Textbook and codex
Study costs
Study guidance For individual questions students can consult the lecturer.
Teaching Methods Lectures supplemented with exercises.
- 1st examination period : written exam 100%
- 2nd examination period : written exam 100%.
Examination Board Flemish Community: (ditto regular student).