Key words Constitutional law
Objectives The course aims at giving students a basic knowledge of the constitutional laws.
They must know how the Belgian political society works and acquire accuracy in concepts and skills in analytical and synthetic thinking.
Students must be able to look for, to make an inventory of, to recollect sources containing legal data.
- Basic principles of Belgian Public Law
- The federal state (legislative, executive and judicial power)
- The districts and communities (legislative and executive power)
- Municipalities and provinces
- Rights and privileges
Prerequisites none
Final Objectives Knowledge:
Job-related (general):- Sources containing legal data
General- Bringing one's knowledge up to date
- Critical reflection
Job-related (specific)- Looking up legislation, jurisdiction and legal doctrine
Job-related (general):- Inquisitiveness, bringing one's knowledge up to date
Materials used Textbook : Vande Lanotte J., België voor Beginners, die Keure
Codex Kluwer
Study costs Textbook and codex at market price
Study guidance Students can ask questions during the lessons, the lecturer is available via email.
Teaching Methods Lectures; question-and-answer method; working on one's own.
- First exam session: written exam 100%.
- Second exam session: written exam 100%.
Examination Board Flemish Community: (ditto regular student).