Key words French
- correct professional communication (oral and written) in business-related situations
- extension of elementary vocabulary so as to include economic and business terminology
- the ability a) to analyse texts and/or articles on business topics; b) to reproduce the content of such texts; c) to integrate and apply actively the vocabulary typical of such texts
- creative handling of sources of information
- discussion of authentic economic texts and articles
- recapitulation of grammatical structures
in addition conversations in simulated and real profession-oriented situations will stimulate the students' formulating skill
- basic knowledge of first-year subject matter
- communicative attitude
Final Objectives cp. objectives and topics
Materials used
- Students receive photocopies. They are expected to take notes during lectures.
- Complementary material will be provided (e.g. handbook).
Study costs
- photocopies: at the current copy price as stated by Hogeschool Gent
- handbook: at the current market price
Study guidance Students' questions will be answered by the lecturer.
Email contact possible.
Teaching Methods
- students will be invited to practise frequently; the theoretical basis which should familiarize them with concepts and terminology of both everyday and technical language, will be imparted through contextual situations.
- students will attend lectures and participate in instructive talks (question-answer, skimming and scanning of texts, translations, oral expression)
- individual work such as preparation of translations, role-playing and finding information.
- First exam session: 50 % written exam and 50 % permanent assessment
- Second exam session: 100 % written exam
- Examination Board Flemish Community:
first and second exam session: 100 % written exam