Key words Industrial accidents
Objectives Knowledge and insight into compulsory insurance. Study of the 1971 Belgian Industreal Injuries Act. The actual text will be explained and analysed in detail. Study of the implementation of the Act by insurance companies. Competencies such as responsibility and self reliance, accuracy, flexibility and eagerness to learn are stressed and put into practice; they are all neccessary when dealing with taking decisions on accepting/rejecting accident claims.
- Industrial Injuries act (1971)
- Industrial Injuries Fund
- Industrial Injuries Insurance
- Collective Accident Insurance
Prerequisites None
Final Objectives
Materials used Syllabus + copies
Study costs Unit price determined under hogeschool rules.
Study guidance Case studies
Teaching Methods Students' questions are answered individually.
- First exam session: oral exam 70%: with theoretical and practical questions and permanent assessment 30%.
- Second exam session: oral exam 100% with theoretical and practical questions.
- Examination Board Flemish Community: (ditto regular student).