Key words Personal Insurances: healt and accidents
Objectives Starting form the analysis of the social security system, students learn the necessity of private healt insurances and all kind of personal insurances in order to get protection against accidents. Commercial considerations and exercises on tariffs and premium-calculations will help the student to prospect these insurance products.
- Analysis of the Belgian Security System.
- Personal Accident Insurances: individual and group
- Health insurance: guaranteed Income, Hospitalization, Dependence-insurance.
Prerequisites None.
Final Objectives
Materials used Syllabus "Persoonlijke Verzekeringen tegen ongevallen en ziekte"; slides and documents.
Study costs Syllabus rated and offered by Hogeschool Gent.
Study guidance Student's questions are answered individually.
Teaching Methods Ex cathedra college and case-studies with exercises.
Assessment First exam session: written exam 100%.
Second exam session: written exam 100%.
Examination Board Flemish Community: (ditto regular student).