Key words Environmental pollution -and technology
- Know the nature and origin of the most prevalent environmental contaminants
- Give priority to preventive measures
- Obtain insight into environmental technology and engineering for environmental sanitation
- Be able to make simple calculations with magnitudes typical for the introduction and supervision of particular techniques
- Obtain a realistic and critical view of the environmental and energy problems
- Find information efficiently related to water-treatment and -recycling-techniques and BBT's
- Consulting environmental-technical professional literature
- Fluent working knowledge of technological aspects of VLAREM
- Make the link between the course and VLAREM
- Recognize environment hazardous activities and describe their environmental influence
Obtain a knowledge on sampling surface water, waste water and sludge
- Comparing analysis results with legal standards
- Solving exercises, and a complex interdisciplinary case study, in which elements of the course are incorporated
- Stimulate safety- and environment awareness
- Assess the importance and value of measurement data
Topics The course is structured thematically and essentially theoretical. The items "Water" and "Soil" will be treated in an analogous way (as far as possible), each time with attention for the typical problems, preventive measures and sanitation techniques.
Each time when processing- and treatment-techniques are discussed, the typical terminology will be used. This is important for oral and written communication on all levels inside and outside the company.
Contents of the different parts:- "Water": overview of the most important water-polluting compounds with their origin, quality of water, preventive measures to reduce the waste water streams, preventive recycling technologies for process-water, water quality management of industrial and domestic waste water. Sampling techniques for surface water and industrial waste water, measuring methods and analysis methods for the most important parameters characterizing surface water and industrial wastewater. Production of drinking water will be discussed in a separate chapter.
- "Soil": different forms and sources of soil pollution and soil-water pollution, soil-processes, preventive measurements, sanitation of soil with focus upon the different soil sanitation-techniques and judging the quality of sludge, sampling-techniques for continent soil, soil-water, soil-air and sludge.
To complement their theoretical and practical training, the students make guided tours to different companies. During these visits, safety-and environment awareness is stimulated just as the idea of hygiene, the critical attitude and accuracy.
Possible visited companies:- PCM (Provinciaal Centrum voor Milieuonderzoek): sampling-techniques, visualisation of measuring and analysing-instruments
- Sewage waste water treatment plant
- A plant for recycling of wasted soil
- A drinking water production centre
A company with a classic water treatment installation and which focuses on hygiene
- A big company with another type of water treatment installation and which focuses on safety
Prerequisites The whole subject matter, included solving exercises in the courses: "Introduction into the environment-technology, partim 1 and 2".
The subject matter of the syllabus "Environmental pollution- and technology, part 1".
It includes mainly the parts where chemical formulas and reactions and physical relations are used, the study of micro-organism, general preventive measures, sanitation- and treatment-techniques of industrial waste.
Final Objectives
Materials used Syllabus "Milieuverontreiniging en -technologie Deel 2" available from the local course service.
Study costs Syllabus: ca 280 pages (copy price fixed by the hogeschool)
Study guidance Individual problems can always be discussed with the lecturer.
Supervised home study.
Teaching Methods
- Formal lecture
- Question and answer: the student will be involved intensively in the course (by means of questions and answers), to enlarge their knowledge and to clarify the concepts.
- Guided exercises: these exercises will be dealt with as examples during the course. Exercises with the same level of difficulty have to be solved by the students themselves and will be explained and discussed by the lecturer afterwards.
- Visited companies: after the visit the students have to make a report (individual or in groups of 2 students)
- Teamwork: an interdisciplinary case study
- Home study and partially supervised home study: the students have to learn particular parts of the course and have to present their problems to the lecturer, have to work out some home study tasks (under supervision), explain and illustrate the solutions
- First examination-session: written examination 90% and 10% year work
- Second examination-session: written examination 100%
- Examination board Vlaamse Gemeenschap: First and second exam session: written examination 100%