Key words International marketing
Objectives Know how international trade works and understand how Belgium fits into this picture.
It goes without saying that both theoretical and practical knowledge are absolutely essential.
Topics To be able to commercialise products and services on an international level.
One of the important aspects here is to be aware of the different influential environmental factors in foreign markets. Needless to say that the cultural dimension plays an important role. Moreover you need to familiarise yourselves with the various marketing mix components -in an international context- in order to construct an international marketing plan.
There will be lectures (theory), current texts and cases, Q-A sessions. All these forms should be a guarantee for maximum student participation.
Master core competences
Acquire and process information independently
Develop critical minds
Prerequisites Marketing Strategy
Final Objectives
Materials used Course written by teacher(s).
Study costs Course at the copy price stipulated by Hogeschool Gent, approx. 200 pages.
Study guidance All questions will be answered by teacher.
Teaching Methods Lectures, Q-A sessions, student participation and discussions.
- First session : written exam 70%, assignment 30%.
- Second session : written exam 100%.