Key words Price management
Objectives The students should develop a clear insight in the various methods of price-setting, based on the demand, the costs and the competition.
The students should also get a more thorough insight into the different elements of the price in connection with the return, the kind of products, the market, the product life cycle and strategic consequences.
Attitudes and skills such as preciseness, communication skills and a critical and analytical mind are necessary.
Topics Price-setting based on the demand, the costs and the competition.
Analysis of the cost price.
Price-setting in connection with return, products, market, product life cycle etc.
Strategic consequences of price-setting.
Prerequisites Basis knowledge of accountancy, organisation structures, economics and marketing.
Final Objectives
Materials used Textbook + copies
Study costs
Study guidance Provided by lecturer.
Teaching Methods Lectures, case studies, interactive discussions.
- First exam session: 80% written exam and 20% permanent assessement
- Second exam session: 100 % written exam
- Examination Board Flemish Community: 100% written exam