Key words English
- To broaden and refine knowledge and skills acquired in the first and second year
- To strengthen the four skills in marketing-related communicative situations
- To expand general and specialist vocabulary. This entails training the following profession-related competences
- To write persuasive and business texts (letters, messages) that meet contents, structure, style and language demands
- To be an active participant in a persuasive conversation using correct English
- To be able to listen actively as a basis for the right response (drawing up a briefing, negotiating, etc.)
- To look up information online and offline in an efficient way; being able afterwards to screen, select, organise this information
- To build a logical and coherent line of arguments and to be able to express a viewpoint (both orally and written) in correct English
There is always a direct link with the marketing profession, as there is an interdisciplinary approach. (see exam).
Communicative attitudes, accuracy, teamwork, assertiveness, problem-resolving power, being able to cope with stress, respecting deadlines, a critical mind and intellectual curiosity are skills that are necessary to perform all of the above objectives and these are the attitudes that will be further developed.
- Reading : a wide range of recent 'marketing and management' texts.
- Writing : 1 writing persuasive messages after a professional briefing (customer relations, press relations, reply to complaints, direct mailings, letters of application, cv)2 translation exercises (a questionnaire, trade literature, a mailing, a 'message', of course with a focus on specialist vocabulary.
- Speaking : 1 presentations, group discussions 2 simulations: negotiating and sales talk 3 telemarketing 4 applying for a job 5 interpreting. Correct pronunciation and presentation techniques will be monitored carefully
- Listening : takes of course place in various situations described above
- Grammar: ad hoc
Assignments in and out of regular class hours (see planning). All students have presentations, get various assignments that need preparatory work, as reading and interpreting specialist literature, studying specialist vocabulary. Necessary coaching and briefing will be provided.
Prerequisites Knowledge and skills acquired in the 1st and 2nd year. Any questions will be answered by teachers.
Final Objectives
Materials used Course material provided by teacher.
Study costs Course material provided at the price per copy as stipulated by Hogeschool Gent.
Study guidance Guided self-study
If needed, coaching face-to-face or email
Teaching Methods Classical Q-A teaching
Self-study assignments
Group work
Role play
Interdisciplinary co-operation
- First exam session: 50 % oral exam and 50 % permanent assessment
- Second exam session: 100 % oral exam
- Examination Board Flemish Community: first and second exam session: 100 % oral exam (case)